

Sunday 10AM Worship Service - WEDNESDAY 5:30PM THE WELL Youth ministry

Life lessons and a labrador

How does a yard full of stinky, steaming, heaping mounds of dog poo teach me about God?

Or how does giving a timid Labrador a bath, resulting in a near involuntary vasectomy, better teach me how to approach people with the gospel of Christ?

God will use the most unexpected things and the most unsuspecting times in our lives to reveal His heart to us. So often, it's through the simple and ordinary things in life that God shares some of the most profound lessons we will ever come to know.

Join the journey of such an ordinary and simple life event...the entrance of Reggie, a black Labrador Retriever. Just another dog to most, yet to his family a lifelong friend that would reveal some of the most significant life lessons they would ever learn. This easy to read devotional will inspire you, make you laugh, cry and be greatly entertained through all the quirky, yet profound and moving life lessons that were gained from an amazing Labrador in the life of an unsuspecting human. 

These life lessons were shaped for devotional moments inspired by God into the heart of a local author, Wendy Skrede.

A percentage of the proceeds will go to help missionaries who focus on orphans, and help children caught in human-trafficking. Thank you!

  Barns & Noble
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