Life Groups


Sunday 10AM Worship Service - WEDNESDAY 5:30PM THE WELL Youth ministry

life groups

Active in Spring and Fall

Life Groups have one simple purpose---to bring people together. We believe God created us to live in community with others and only then can we experience the full life He intends for us. Life Group members grow spiritually together and encourage each other through the highs and lows of life. We believe Life Groups thrive because life is better together. 

At Grace Community Church, we use a "Free Market" approach to Life Groups. This means we want people to gather together based on things they enjoy and are important to them. Essentially, the things you are already passionate about and doing in your life are the things that can make up a Life Group.

From exercise groups to lunch groups, book groups to outdoors groups, mom groups to men's groups, Bible Study groups to creative arts groups, sports groups to dinner groups, coffee groups to prayer groups, our groups are varied yet connected. The goal is to create healthy life-giving relationships; it's about accountability, it's about commitment, it's about character, it's about going deeper, it's about doing life together with Jesus in the middle of it.

Join a Life Group today!

Current Life Groups

Outward Bound With God - Sunday afternoons - Place: TBD

Leaders: Sue Dobbs - 608.639.0197 & Cheri Hagerman - 262.298.0301

Home Fellowship - 3rd Sunday Evening 

Place: Doug & Patti Broxham's

Time: 6PM

Leaders: Doug & Patti Broxham - 608.337.4334

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